How to Use This Website

This website has been created so you can review and self-assess your IB Chemistry abilities. There are a number of resources provided to cover each topic. You can review different tutorials and videos which provide different ways of learning the different topics which we have covered in class. Provided are sample papers as well where you can see how you would perform on an exam. Answers are provided for your benefit. The most time you spend on this site using its resources the more you can practice and develop your skills. This website will be updated periodically to include more and more material as we progress through the course. 


  • The ability to fail and try again.
  • You must be able to concentrate on one topic at a time. 
  • You can choose parts of this site that can help you with your weak points in the course.
  • Use formative assessments on this site to improve your chances of high scores on your summative assessments. 
  • The ability to solve questions in different ways.